Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thoughtful sick

Hmmm...less than a week in here and I'm sick!?!? I think it is the change of the climate. First two days it was COLD (means around +15 during the day) and since there is no heating inside the house you can imagine it's cold. Then there was two sunny days and fairly warm and now it's been getting colder everyday. Since Monday I had pain in my throat but yesterday it got really bad. I had my second day at work at the office. Whole day workshops for adult domestic workers. Morning was ok. I could follow it, even if I couldn't really join the conversation. But afternoon was like a nightmare. I was feeling really bad, to sit on a hard chair and in the cold 2,5 hours. When I came home, I dived in my sleeping bag and slept on and off until the morning. This morning I felt like I was hit by truck, so I figured it was best to stay at home and rest.

It's funny how fast you get used to things that you don't necessarily like but you simply have to. I hate sleeping with my clothes on and in a sleeping bag, now I sleep inside the sleeping bag with my clothes on (and top of that sheet and a blanket). I take a shower only when I really need to (once in 2 to 3 days), because even if I have a warm water, but the cold after that and the wet hair the whole day. So shower in the evening is out of the question! Also, I'll be wearing clothes as many times as possible because laundry won't dry in here or it will after several days and will be smelling like a wet dog, like my towel (already had to buy a new one) because of the humidity. Luckily I have at least 15 pairs of underwear so I figured I need to do laundry only once in two weeks :D or when the sun appears!

Another things is cleanness, cooking with pots that are far from looking like pots that should be used in cooking. When you just boil the water you can taste the metal in your mouth. So have a tea or coffee or what ever, but not just hot water. Maybe I should invest at least a small pot for heating the water. Next year when I got to the airport security check, it'll just make noise all the time ;) because all the metal inside me. I have tried to eat healthy, avoid this and that and then I come here and it's like throwing everything out of the window, how ironic!

Today I learned that in Peru many cars have two tanks, one with petrol and other with gas. It is a natural gas. You can use either one. Gas is more expensive but takes you twice the distance than petrol would (according to Antonio) and also it's more environment friendly if you go a long distance, I assume.

Yesterday Jenni posted about earthquake in Uganda and today Antonio told me that in here there hasn't been a big one in many years so they are expecting to have one soon and maybe even a tsunami. Hmmm, is he joking I was thinking at first, nope, yep I saw a warning sign on the beach about tsunami, ok so it might happen in here too. Things that I have KNOWN, but totally ignored the reality. I guess if I would think about those things, I would start to feel uncomfortable and might stay home, but you can die at home too. So I was told to get out off the house if I feel shaking or something. Hopefully, while I'm here I don't have to experience earthquake nor tsunami, por favor NO!!!

While waiting for another sunny day in here and to get healthy some pictures from last Sunday when I went to the beach. When it gets warmer I'll try surfing as well.

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